Hello, I am Alice.

A Full Stack Developer.

I like solving problems and making our world better with code.


Full Stack Project

Demonstrated the skills of building a full stack web API. Enabled role based authentication and role-based access control(BRAC) with Auth0 and JWT token. Included unit testing for Flask applications, error handling and made final deployment to Heroku.

  • Python
  • Auth0
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Heroku

Trivia API

Built a RESTful web application called Trivia with CRUD functionalities. Functions include display question, delete questions, add questions, search questions and play the quiz game.

  • RESTful API
  • Python
  • SQLAlchemy

Fyyur Music

Created PostgreSQL relational database schema to power the backend of the application. Used Python to create, read and update data through a web API interface.

  • SQLAlchemy
  • PostgreSQL
  • Flask-Migrate

Food Blog

Practing using Python, html, css, and SQL to make a blog website in order to share healthy lifestyle and recipes. It supports user logins and creating posts using Markdown for content.

  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Shell

Backend Coffee Shop

Built the backend of the web order system. Enabled role-based user with Autho0 to determined which user could see menu or delete menus.

  • Auth0
  • Postman
  • Python
